Environment Setup

You can choose to skip the environment setup and accept default values by entering Y on the first question Quick Setup without advanced configuration? (Y for yes, N for No).


If you chose Y, you can skip the remainder of this section.

If you choose N on skipping environment setup, you will be prompted to enter some settings unless you already have your .env file set up. If you do not have your .env file set up, you can use the following as a guide:


  • ESA_API_KEY is the API key to use for the ESA API. This is empty by default, if you would like to set it, change it in the env file. The header format for requests will be Authorization: Bearer {your_api_key} for any requests to your ESA server or you can pass the api_key to the ESA SDK.

  • ESA_URI is the URI of the ESA instance, this should be http://localhost:7437 by default. If hosting the ESA server separately, change this to the URI of your ESA server, otherwise leave it as-is.

  • UVICORN_WORKERS is the number of workers to run the web server with, this is 6 by default, adjust this to your system's capabilities.

Database configuration only applicable if using database

  • DB_CONNECTED is whether or not you want to use a database, this should be false by default, change this to true if you want to use a database. If you choose to, you will need to edit the database configuration options below, otherwise they can be left alone.
  • DATABASE_HOST is the name of the database server, this should be db by default.
  • DATABASE_NAME is the name of the database, this should be postgres by default.
  • DATABASE_PORT is the port that the database is listening on, this should be 5432 by default.
  • DATABASE_USER is the username to connect to the database with, this should be postgres by default.
  • DATABASE_PASSWORD is the password to connect to the database with, this should be changed from the example file if using database.

Additional Environment Variables

There are additional environment variables that can be set in the .env file, but are not required or defined in the installer script. These are listed below:

  • DISABLED_PROVIDERS - A comma-separated list of providers to disable. This is empty by default. The example below would disable the Petal, Palm, and Pipeline providers.

  • DISABLED_EXTENSIONS - A comma-separated list of extensions to disable. This is empty by default. The example below would disable the file system, and Searxng extensions.


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